Be assertive, and cautious, when starting a new role
As a senior person, you were hired for a reason. Don’t be afraid to take action and make an impact.
But there are a few things to be cautious about when starting:
Don’t try to change too much at first. Learn how the organization does things, and (most importantly) why. There may be many things that should change, but trying to change without understanding them is a good way to lose credibility.
Don’t just duplicate what your last company did. Will Larson calls this “chasing ghosts”. Your current company has different challenges and circumstances than the last. Be skeptical of your own biases, and honestly evaluate what solutions are best.
Maybe even avoid talking too much about your last company. Don’t be the person always saying “At Facebook/Google/Wherever we had infinitely scalable blah blahs based on blockchain”. That’s just annoying.
As always there’s a balance to be struck. Use your experience and expertise. That’s what you’re there for. Just use it wisely.
What are your tips for starting a new role as a senior+ hire?